Currently on…

The Count of Monte Cristo

Alexandre Dumas

The mountain is you

Brianna Wiest

Million dollar week-end ♪

Noah Kagan

  • Frankenstein – Mary Shelley
  • Warrior of the Light (Il Guerriero della Luce) – Paulo Coelho
  • The Brothers Karamazov (I Fratelli Karamazov) – Fëdor Dostoevskij
  • If this is a man (Se questo è un uomo) – Primo Levi
  • The Truce (La Tregua) – Primo Levi
  • The Tartar Steppe (Il deserto dei tartari) – Dino Buzzati
  • 1984 – George Orwell
  • Animal farm (La fattoria degli animali) – George Orwell
  • The Nonexistent Knight (Il cavaliere inesistente) – Italo Calvino
  • Storia di Tonle – L’anno della vittoria – Mario Rigoni Stern
  • Northern Lights (La Bussola d’Oro) – Philip Pullman
  • The Subtle Knife (La Lama Sottile) – Philip Pullman
  • The Amber Spyglass (Il Cannocchiale d’Ambra) – Philip Pullman
  • Farenheit 451 – Ray Bradbury
  • War and Peace (Guerra e Pace) – Lev Tolstoj
  • Anna Karenina – Lev Tolstoj
  • Crime and Punishment (Delitto e Castigo) – Fëdor Dostoevskij
  • The Gambler (Il giocatore) – Fëdor Dostoevskij
  • The Captain’s Daughter (La figlia del capitano) – Aleksandr Puskin
  • The Grapes of Wrath (Furore) – John Steinbeck
  • Steppenwolf (Il lupo della steppa) – Herman Hesse
  • The Old Man and the Sea (Il vecchio e il mare) – Ernest Hemingway
  • The Vampire – Jhon Polidori
  • Dracula – Bram Stoker
  • Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus – John Gray ♪
  • The untethered soul – Michael A. Singer ♪
  • The way of the Superior Man – David Deida ♪
  • No more Mr. Nice Guy – Dr. Robert Glover ♪
  • The five love languages – Gary Chapman ♪
  • The Five Love Languages of Children – Gary Chapman ♪
  • Letting go – David R. Hawkins ♪
  • The four agreements – Don Miguel Ruiz ♪
  • Never split the difference – Chriss Voss
  • Feeding your demons – Tsultium Allione
  • Lo spirito Toyota – Taiichi Ohno
  • The Richest Man in Babylon – George S. Clason
  • Purple Cow – Seth Godin
  • Eat that frog – Brian Tracy
  • Rich dad, Poor dad – Robert T. Kiyosaky
  • 21.5 Unbreakable Laws of Selling – Jeffrey Gitomer
  • How to Develop Self-Confidence and Influence People by Public Speaking – Dale Carnagie
  • How to Win Friends and Influence People in the Digital Age – Dale Carnagie
  • Entra in gioco con la testa – Nicoletta Romanazzi
  • Think and grow rich – Napolean Hill ♪
  • Scrivere per diventare una autorità – Marco Lutzu
  • How To Win Friends & Influence People – Dale Carnagie
  • The Subtle Art of Not Giving A F*ck – Mark Manson ♪
  • Principles for success – Ray Dalio (not completed)
  • Atomic Habits – James Clear
  • Notes from a Friend – Tony Robbins ♪
  • The Compound Effect – Darren Hardy
  • Make your bed – Admiral William H. McRaven
  • Sapiens: a brief history of humankind – Yuval Noah Harari
  • Felicemente sconnessi – Frances Booth
  • Il libro della gentilezza – Bernardette Russel
  • La società signorile di massa – Luca Ricolfi
  • Factfulness – Hans Rosling
  • Diciotto castagne – Mario Curnis
  • Homo Incertus – Vittorino Andreoli
  • E’ facile smettere di fumare se sai come farlo – Allen Carr
  • The Luck Factor – Richard Wiseman
  • “Sfacciata fortuna” – La Shoah e il caso – Robert S.C. Gordon
  • La legge di Parkinson – Cyril Northcote Parkinson
  • Il vero amore (non) è un mito – Michele Mezzanotte
  • La Roba – Giovanni Verga

Between 1995 and 2008 I have been inside Scientology and I have read these books, trained up to Class V Graduate FPRD auditor and reached NED as a PC. In 2008 I exited the Sea Organisation and stopped my participation to Scientology.

  • Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health
  • Science of Survival
  • The Fundamentals of Thought
  • A new slant on life
  • The evolution of a science
  • The problems of work
  • Handbook for preclears
  • Self analysis
  • Clear Body, Clear Mind
  • The way to Happyness
  • The Original Thesis
  • Introduction to Scientology Ethics
  • A History of Man
  • Scientology 0-8
  • Dianetics 55!
  • Scientology 8-8008
  • Scientology 8-80
  • Advanced procedures and axioms
  • The creation of human ability

♪: Audiobook